
Hiroshima, Japan


In October 2023, three graduates from MA Contemporary Art Practice (@rca_contemporaryartpractice) received grant funding from the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation #GBSasakawa to travel and present their work in Hiroshima, Japan @gallery_g_hiroshima.

The artists Ava Grauls (@avagrauls), Makiko Shimizu Harris (@makikoharris), and Megumi Ohata (@megumiohata) explored the concept of boundaries through a multimedia site-specific exhibition of painting, installation and sculpture.

Through their exhibition as well as a bilingual artist talk, their project facilitated dialogue of what it means to live within and across boundaries at both the intimate level of our bodies and the larger context of geographic territory, an urgent conversation for our times.

Funded by The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation

Photos by Kenichi Asano